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UIUC Furries Demand Equal Rights

Quad Daily News - 11/15/2022

URBANA, IL — Thousands of angry UIUC furries gathered on the steps of the Illini Union on Tuesday, November 15, demanding that they be given the same rights and privileges as non-furry students. "Change is long overdue", said Furry Union leader Jason McCormick, "we demand that UIUC repeal its 'Furry and Sedition' policy immediately." The policy, which was unanimously approved by university board members in 1985, prohibits university furries from "gathering in groups larger than four.... voting.... participating in RSOs.... utilizing student dining halls before 9:30pm.... speaking Dutch.... [and] using public restrooms" and requires convicted furries to register with campus police. Though the policy has drawn criticism from numerous civil rights groups, university officials continue to defend it. "UIUC has taken steps to ensure equitable treatment of its furry population", said Vice Chancellor William Bernhard, "We've installed over 23 litterboxes across campus, and have hired staff to give these mutants belly rubs on their way to class. What the hell else do they want?"

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Feb 10, 2023

Missed an opportunity in actually going to the IlliniFurs for correspondence or at least an interview

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